Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The future of Books

What would happen if books as we know them changed forever? With the technology we have today the distribution of information is being passed through new ways. Can a book be available on line? Well they already are, but are they popular? I don't think books have become a hit on line because of the inconvenience of having to view them on a computer and not while we relax in comfort. However I am not opposed to the idea of text books becoming affordable, books are highly priced for college students. As if school isn't expensive enough books are changed constantly with new editions, and we have to buy them. I wouldn't mind some one coming up with a solution to make textbooks more affordable and widely distributed. I wouldn't even mind reading a textbook on the Internet if it meant that I wouldn't have to spend hundreds of dollars semester after semester. As far as novels go I do prefer a hardback book I could take with me and carry. Now I am not going to be against anything I'm open to change that is positive. Overtime opinions also change, when ATM machines first were introduce to the American public people were outraged, they wanted to deal with bank tellers only. Now I prefer to deal with an ATM machine and only go to a teller inside the bank when I really need to. Now as far as throwing books away if they were to vanish as we know them , I would not throw them away. Actually when I am done with a class and get a chance to sell my book back, I don't. I find what I get in return is not worth as much as the value of the book. Eventually things come in handy I have kept books and my friends use books from my previous classes when they needed them for classes I've taken. I am the type of person that think if you hold on to something long enough it may gain value. My mother has gave me several books that she has read so that I could read them also. Actually even when one of my aunts reads a good book they do pass it on with my mom and she will trade a good book also. I would try to share books with my kids but definitely not impose it on them. Just as music is changing books could change and we can avoid change.

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