Saturday, September 02, 2006

Casualties of War

When surfing through the net I found an interesting story on the CNN website. It read," 14 Britons Die in Cash in Afghanistan". I believe what caught my eye first and foremost was the mention of Afghanistan after it's long disappearance in the media. All the news about terrorism and the war had began to focus on Iraq and all the rest faded into the backround. Now even in the media there is a decrease in cover on Iraq. Did the story get old? I feel we become detached from the situation unless we know troops and have to wait and pray for their safe return. It's not happening on our soil so why worry? Wrong, I believe we must leave our selfishness behind and think of those less fortunate being affected by war. In war no one wins everyone looses, the people loose, and those who encourage it well we all know there are hidden agendas.
The story talks about the plane crashing in the city of Kandahar. The troops are their fighting efforts to of Taliban in southern Afghanistan. What always confuses me about reports such as these is that there are two sides to them. The crash was said to be accidental and not part of an attack, yet a spokesman for the Taliban named Abdul Khaliq took credit for the crash although it was not possible to verify or support the claim. The city of Kanahar was once a strong point for the Taliban regime, it was out stated by the US invasion following the attacks in September 11. As of now the British have about four thousand troops in Afghanistan and attacks in this area have increased the most in the last five years leading to more violence and death. I truly am taken away by the situation, I feel bad for the innocent civilians of the area and the troops fighting there also. Everyone to me is a victim of those selfish leaders fighting to peruse money, power and think not of the innocent people who are to them simply casualties of war.

To view the story click on the link

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